WTB: Moates Quarterhorse

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WTB: Moates Quarterhorse

Post by DWS »

Since PCMFlash can't read 97 and older EEC-V and EEC-IV I think trying to find a Moates Quarterhorse 2nd hand is my next best option. Anyone got one they could let go? If you just needed it to hold a custom tune, I can write that tune directly into the eec memory if it's a 98-03 computer, then no worries about the battery dying.

This is for reading the ton of computers I bought that's 97 and older and ideally to make my bin editing website better once I get the main 98+ stuff covered.

Not really my initial intentions, but I do have an oscilloscope and such, so would be interesting to monitor the communication between ecu and the QH, doubt I'd get to a point of reproducing them, but I do think it would be interesting to monitor at least, basically get an idea on how it functions some. It seems like it can read the data from within the computer, so that communication could at least make it possible to read these computers.

Anyway, if someone has one, shoot me a message and we can talk. I know coretuning has some left at $500 with BE, but already have BE and don't really need new for my needs, I'd rather save a little $$$ off the cost by buying used.
Ford EEC-V Bin Converter (bank swapping and padding): viewtopic.php?f=41&t=8342
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