The symptoms are that after turning the key off, dash lights will flash and relays click, etc. Sometimes it seems like it is shut down but maybe later in the night, the radio will turn on and it will often run the battery dead fiddling things.
I used an oscilloscope and looked at the power and ground and the data bus. Nothing seemed too bad.
My next thought was to dump the data bus and see what messages were going around. To my surprise, I couldn't seem to find anything that would do this.
So I thought how hard could it be to decode these little short messages. So I started writing a Python program. Well it turned out a bit harder that I had initially supposed.
So here it is. Not complete by any means but it can decode a bit of stuff. The worst thing is that despite putting in most of the stuff in the standards document, there are lots of things showing up that are not in the standards.
Here are a couple of examples:
Code: Select all
$ ./ vspeed.log
PCM: Vehicle Speed
Vehicle Speed = 104.6015625 KPH
$ ./ rpm-and-map.log
Engine RPM-Speed-MAP
RPM = 1844.75
Vehicle Speed = 47.6484375 KPH
Engine RPM-Speed-MAP = 58
$ cat rpm-and-map.log
10 1C D3 17 D3 3A B9
$ cat vspeed.log
88 29 10 02 34 4D FF
If anybody out there understands this stuff, I would be glad to hear from you.