ALDL Logger V2

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Re: ALDL Logger V2

Post by pman92 »

Any chance the LCD can be changed from SPI by adding / removing components, like the answer to this question: ... pin-on-lcd
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Re: ALDL Logger V2

Post by gmh304 »

Holden202T, thanks for your detailed reply and suggestions.

Once I grounded the BLK pin as you suggested the display did light up, but it was blank. I tried with the SD card installed and removed, with the same result, the screen lights up but no text is displayed.

I got to thinking it's possibly a hardware problem. The logger is getting power, so is the display.

I found the USB cable that came with the logger and thought I could use the Flashtool to change the settings on the real time clock. The logger is not discoverable on either my laptop or PC. I have set the clock before so I know I could access the logger previously. I am a novice when it comes to electronics so I can only assume the smoke has escaped some how. :wall:
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Re: ALDL Logger V2

Post by Holden202T »

one thing you could try is to re-upload the firmware....

also load arduino IDE and put the blink code onto the teensy just to prove if the teensy works at all ?
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Re: ALDL Logger V2

Post by gmh304 »

I will try and re-upload the firmware over the next few days and report back. Thanks.
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Re: ALDL Logger V2

Post by gmh304 »

Success!! Logger is working again. :) Reinstalling the firmware worked.

Thanks to Holden202T for mentioning the Teensy board and arduino IDE. Once I read up on Teensy boards and saw they have a button on the circuit board, I found what appeared to be a button on the Logger's Teensy board and pressed it. The Logger was instantly detected on the USB port connection. Then it was just a matter of reloading the firmware and the Logger worked again.

I have attached a sample photo of a Teensy board with the button highlighted in red. I don't know if this is the same model used by VL400, it's almost impossible to see in the Logger because its sandwiched in between the two circuits boards. VL400 did a great job of making the Logger so compact. The button in this image seemed to be the closest to what I observed, viewed from the side. I used a tooth pick to push it down.

sample teensy board.jpg
sample teensy board.jpg (28.68 KiB) Viewed 2178 times

Thanks again to Holden202T for all your assistance, couldn't have got it working again without your help, thanks to everyone who replied, also have to thank Kojab for his help.

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Re: ALDL Logger V2

Post by Holden202T »

oh yeah i forgot that bit of detail :) if you can access the logger you can get it into firmware upgrade mode, but in your case the button is the only option you have!

yeah the logger uses a teensy ++ 2.0 board, unfortunately NLA!
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