Last week i purchased a turbo v6 L27 (Vp V6) engine and it came with a stock ECU & both the NVRAM and USB comms board, i was supplied fitment instructions for the USB comms but not the NVRAM. Does anyone have a link or doc for the NVRAM install. (NVRAM was already installed in ecu but from what ive found on here it might not have the RW line or wire installed)
Only purchased a laptop this week so i can start playing around with this engine. Im a diesel mechanic by trade but my computer skills are pretty limited so bare with me.
Im also having trouble connecting to ECU via tuner pro
What ive done so far.
-Followed Instructions on FTDI to install driver for USBcomms.
-Verified the device appears on device manager.
-Downloaded tuner pro RT
-Followed instructions i found on here to download OSE plugin 180
-Ive Installed the USB comms into ECU.
-I Downloaded & extracted what i think is the correct XDF/ADX & BIN (OSE_12P V112).
But i still cant connect to ECU. Ive also tried adjusting setting on tuner pro preferences and ive tried with & without the cable echo.
Ive also tried Connecting with ECU removed from car & connected with IGN on.
any help will be muchly appreciated.

engine is in ute & running but sounds like it has never been tuned.
attached photo of error pop up i get when trying to initializes emulation hardware & acquire data . I just want to be able to see what see changes have been done to the tune prior to me purchasing it. likely never been touched.
attached photos of Comms, nvram & memcal
Ive had some success & managed to connect data logging, but the readings are not accurate and jump around. changed echo settings and readings are still not accurate.
still not able to view/connect to emulation hardware.
also, any links to delcohacking take me to which does not seem right. there's a fair few links to delcohacking on the instructions im reading through.