265 Hemi to efi

Converting To Delco ECU From Carby Or Other Injection Systems
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Re: 265 Hemi to efi

Post by heff0018 »

MAPsensor test 04.02.25.xdl
(30.82 KiB) Downloaded 23 times
New log file attached with 15hg vacuum applied to the MAP sensor. The vacuum pump instructions for testing a MAP Sensor and said to bring it to 15hg vacuum and it shouldn't lose any vacuum which it didn't. The log file now shows the MAP value changing but not sure if it is giving an appropriate reading. I was just took it up to 15hg released then reapplied the vacuum a couple of times.

Code 34 clear now, the wiring connection must not have been pushed in all the way although I didn't notice it was loose.

Surprisingly it now detecting 8 cyl memcal and just note that it is running back on the NVRAM.

Any ideas on how to make this detect a 6 cyl memcal?

Screenshot 2025-02-04 200810.png
Screenshot 2025-02-04 200810.png (14.91 KiB) Viewed 630 times
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Re: 265 Hemi to efi

Post by heff0018 »

Screenshot 2025-02-04 202303.png
Screenshot 2025-02-04 202303.png (14.65 KiB) Viewed 624 times
I checked an earlier log from using the burned memcal and it correctly detected it as 6 cyl but at the time it had the MAP sensor code 34 error.

I just reinstalled the burned memcal and now it is detected as an 8 cyl WTF? It doesn't even threaten to fire with the memcal installed.
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Re: 265 Hemi to efi

Post by Mechcano »

I checked several of my old log files to see what mine was detected as, when Tunerpro is first opened and the logfile selected, is also detected as an 8 cyl.
Once it play the logfile, it switches to detected as a 6 cyl and selected as a 6 cyl. When i close the file and open any other logfile it shows detected as a 6 cyl.
Then closing Tunerpro and opening it again, loading one of the logfile that were detected as a 6 cyl, it is then displayed as detected as an 8 cyl, play the file and it becomes
detected as a 6 cyl, I'll leave it to you to draw your own conclusion.

Have you put the memcal you burnt into a stock 808 ECU to see if the car will start?
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Re: 265 Hemi to efi

Post by Charlescrown »

That log was exactly what I would have wanted to see. It starts off @ atmospheric pressure then drops to 50 with the vacuum applied. What Mechano said is what Antus had said prevoiusly. With the NVRAM and first with KOEO it shows 8 cyl the when you start it it then defaults to the 6 cyl setting. Maybe if you do have a spare ECU with no coms board plug the Eprom you burnt into it and see if it starts and runs. Any 808 will run with that memcal you just can't log data. This Agatha Cristie plot deepens.
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Re: 265 Hemi to efi

Post by heff0018 »

Mechcano wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:20 pm I checked several of my old log files to see what mine was detected as, when Tunerpro is first opened and the logfile selected, is also detected as an 8 cyl.
Once it play the logfile, it switches to detected as a 6 cyl and selected as a 6 cyl. When i close the file and open any other logfile it shows detected as a 6 cyl.
Then closing Tunerpro and opening it again, loading one of the logfile that were detected as a 6 cyl, it is then displayed as detected as an 8 cyl, play the file and it becomes
detected as a 6 cyl, I'll leave it to you to draw your own conclusion.

Have you put the memcal you burnt into a stock 808 ECU to see if the car will start?
Thanks for the confirmation, I see what you mean now about replacing the ECU.

I do have two spares and hopefully they are both out of a VN V6 but it was a long time ago. Hopefully I didn't grab a JE Camira one when I salvaged a loom a while back.

There are 2 VN's at the SA Upullits so I might go and see if the ECU's are still in there.
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Re: 265 Hemi to efi

Post by heff0018 »

Charlescrown wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 7:36 am That log was exactly what I would have wanted to see. It starts off @ atmospheric pressure then drops to 50 with the vacuum applied. What Mechano said is what Antus had said prevoiusly. With the NVRAM and first with KOEO it shows 8 cyl the when you start it it then defaults to the 6 cyl setting. Maybe if you do have a spare ECU with no coms board plug the Eprom you burnt into it and see if it starts and runs. Any 808 will run with that memcal you just can't log data. This Agatha Cristie plot deepens.
Thanks Charles, great to hear and now being able to view the log file is like night and day.

is there any obvious way of telling what might me a VN ECU and what might be from a JE Camira, something on the outside or the board or even from a log file?
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Re: 265 Hemi to efi

Post by Charlescrown »

A Camira 808 will run the same but you can't datalog so to just eliminate the chance of it being the ECU just plug the VR memcal in and see what happens. I hate playing parts darts but were running out of options. I was just looking at the log and I see three things changing dramatically at the same time. Thats the RPM 9K+ , Injector duty cycle jumping over 250%, and the base pulse width jumping from 4 to 6 ms. It's almost if something is going into a crazy state of oscillation. I have seen it happen with a Bosch HE ignition of an old Commodore (spark only) and can't remember what we did to fix it. I think you swapped the ignition module and it has a good earth. You got any hair left?
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Re: 265 Hemi to efi

Post by heff0018 »

Charlescrown wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 9:19 am A Camira 808 will run the same but you can't datalog so to just eliminate the chance of it being the ECU just plug the VR memcal in and see what happens. I hate playing parts darts but were running out of options. I was just looking at the log and I see three things changing dramatically at the same time. Thats the RPM 9K+ , Injector duty cycle jumping over 250%, and the base pulse width jumping from 4 to 6 ms. It's almost if something is going into a crazy state of oscillation. I have seen it happen with a Bosch HE ignition of an old Commodore (spark only) and can't remember what we did to fix it. I think you swapped the ignition module and it has a good earth. You got any hair left?
Thanks Charles, I have replaced the module twice in the past 6 months but you just never know if that has become the issue now as it doesn't even fire now.

I am way past the point of pulling my hair out and moving on to the point of facing the fact that I might need to start from scratch with a spare loom and spare engine I have.

If I could find a Delco 808 expert in Adelaide it might help but they are few and far between now and as soon as I mention to mechanics and auto electricians what I have put together no one wants to know.
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Re: 265 Hemi to efi

Post by Charlescrown »

Nah you gotta keep trying things. Really a Delco is simple compared to todays cars. We need more input from the brainy ones working on this. It's going to be simple when you finally solve it and you'll kick your butt for not seeing it long back. You did say there was an issue with not enough induced voltage to trigger a timing light. That can come from a bad coil or fouled plugs. Try pulling No1 plug lead off leaving it in the open air and see if that triggers the timing light and if it does the plugs are fouled and if it dosn't a coil is suspect. I would still try running a wire from battery positive to the coil positive. I know it's a tad difficult with the way the plugs are on the Camira module but I'd put a junction in so I can tap into it or simply cut the insulation from around the positive wire to gain access. If you have an 808 try it and if no go we can move on. Next step would be going thru all the wiring for the ignition side where you removed the magic box ignition unit.
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Re: 265 Hemi to efi

Post by heff0018 »

Cheers, the plugs were clean so possibly a dead coil.

Assuming the original NVRAM bin file was ok, a hopeful scenario is that the original problem was the MAP sensor giving a bad output voltage which stopped the injectors providing enough fuel which was overcome by adding the starting fuel down the throttle body so it would idle. In the process of so much stuffing around I have killed the coil.

I can strip one of my heat shrinked repairs and tap in direct from the battery.
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