Algorithm for Seed Key

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Re: Algorithm for Seed Key

Post by skyline_stu »

The bin file from the Dodge RAM ecm might be a little difficult to get - and then utilize. The data files that dodge use are decrypted during reflash operations (the onboard e2proms are 'scrambled' too, just for extra fun). Dodge employ very few data tables and rely on active modeling of the engines operating characteristics to generate the ecu's working outputs. As Dodge put it, it keeps the fiddlers at bay.. In early 2001 I was contracted to reverse engineer a 99 Dodge Ram V10 ecu (it took several months of work and a couple of ecu's!!) That's after we worked out how to open the ecu casing. The multi layer PCB's tracks were etched on a mylar film, laminated, interconnected and then bonded to the aluminium casing, which is finally folded, glued and bolted together. First attempt to remove the memory devices destroyed the mylar film and lifted the laminated layers. A real PITA to work on..

Why, do you require the seed/key algorythm ? Are you trying to disable the anti theft system by sending a 'pseudo' valid key down the bus?
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