Alfa bin files

Bosch Motronic etc ECUs and PCMs
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Re: Alfa bin files

Post by festy »

Are you sure about the 2000h offset for this ecu?
The very early motronics had the bosch code on the 8051's internal ROM, but they stopped that around the time they moved to 8052 mcus.
The ECU you're looking at is newer than the 3.1/4.1, and they have the bosch code on the eprom. If you disassemble the 4.1 bin I posted, you'll see the bosch routines in the 0-1fff area.
It's things like map lookup, 16 bit multiplication, ADC reading etc. They routines are pretty much the same for all motronics.

Here's some info on some of them - it's from a 4.1 perspective so the ADC channels etc might be different.
I assume the 7.1 has external SRAM like the others?

Code: Select all



; to read from ext sRAM (256 bytes)
; mov P2, #07Fh
; movx A, @R0

; DPTR = BC0n (n - channel #)
; 0 - AFM
; 1 - 12v level
; 2 - Tair
; 3 - Teng
; 4 - CO pot
; 5 - lambda
; 6 - aux inputs (4 digit inputs)
; 7 - octan correction switch (can be used as an AN input)


    movx A, @DPTR
    ; start conversion and wait
    ; the datasheet specifies (not clearly) max conv time of
    ; 115 clock cycles. The clock is 10Mhz/12 (i.e. ALE / 2)
    ; The max conversion time I've observed is 90us, which gives 75 clock cycles
    movx A, @DPTR
    ; save R0
    mov A, R0     ; 1c
    ; mov R0, #45h  ; 1c - original Bosch delay
    mov R0, #42  ; 1c


    djnz R0, L0248 ; 2c
    mov R0, A
    movx A, @DPTR


; Decode octan switch position on AN7, usefull on Alfa 75
; input
;   A - contains ADC7 value
; output
;   A - 0-7 value
; uses
;   R0, R1

    mov R1, #7h
    mov DPTR, #T8values
    lcall L0992


; Decode 4 auxiliary digit inputs connected to AN6
; input
;   A - contains ADC6 value
; output
;   A - 0-15 value
; uses
;   R0, R1

    mov R1, #0Fh
    mov DPTR, #T16values
    lcall L0992


    mov R0, A


    mov A, R1
    movc A, @A+DPTR
    add A, R0
    jc L1020
    djnz R1, L1021


    mov A, R1

  db  0FFh,0E8h,0BFh,0A0h,083h,062h,03Fh,018h

  db  0FFh,0F7h,0E6h,0D5h,0C4h,0B3h,0A2h,091h
  db  080h,06Fh,05Eh,04Dh,03Ch,02Bh,01Ah,009h


    mov DPH, #0F7h
    movx A, @DPTR

; Read 6 input digit inputs
; output
;  A - the digit port flags (inverted bits, 1 means ON)


; Bosch code, does not work with Atmel derivatives as by default
;  movx accesses the internal XRAM
;    mov P2, #0F7h
;    movx A, @R0   ; R0 content does not matter
;    mov P2, #0FFh

    xrl A, #3Fh   ; 6 LSB only


; Bosch: get the absolute temperature value from the temp sensor measure
; input
;  A - ADC value
; output
;  A - linearized positive value
; uses
;   R4, DPTR

    cpl A
    mov R4, A ; the map reads from R4B0
    mov DPTR, #TempTranslMap
    lcall Read1dMap

; out	0	11	24	45	70	101	133	157	189	218	234	235
; [04]	7	10	16	30	56	98	144	176	203	221	227	235
; [ADC]	248	245	239	225	199	157	111	79	52	34	28	20
  db            004h,00Ch,003h,006h,00Eh,01Ah
  db  02Ah,02Eh,020h,01Bh,012h,006h,008h,015h
  db  000h,00Bh,018h,02Dh,046h,065h,085h,09Dh
  db  0BDh,0DAh,0EAh,0EBh


; 1D/2D maps access routines
; input
;   DPTR - addr of the map
;   the X and Y value addresses are stored in the map
; output
;   A - map value
; uses
;   A, reg bank 2


    push PSW
    push B
    setb RS1
    clr RS0
    lcall L0004
    lcall L0005
    sjmp L0002


    push PSW
    push B
    setb RS1
    clr RS0
    lcall L0004
    mov B, R1
    mov A, R0
    mov R6, A
    mov A, R3
    mov R7, A
    lcall L0004
    mov A, R2
    mul AB
    add A, R1
    mov R1, A
    mov A, R7
    jz L0014
    lcall L0005


    xch A, R2
    cpl A
    inc A
    add A, R1
    mov R1, A
    lcall L0005
    xch A, R7
    jnz L0015
    xch A, R7
    sjmp L0002


    mov R3, A
    mov B, R6
    xch A, R7
    mov R5, A
    mov A, R2
    lcall L0016

L0002: ; exit from map procedures, switch to reg bank 0

    pop B
    pop PSW

; Find 1D map range

    clr A
    movc A, @A+DPTR  ; fetch axis param addr 
    mov R0, A 
    inc DPTR
    clr A
    movc A, @A+DPTR  ; fetch axis length  -> R2 and R1
    mov R2, A
    mov R1, A
    mov A, @R0
    mov R0, A     ; R0: axis input param value


    mov A, R1
    movc A, @A+DPTR
    add A, R0
    mov R0, A
    jc L0011
    djnz R1, L0012
    ; the input value is < leftest value, take the leftest value
    inc R1
    clr A
    sjmp L0013


    mov A, R1
    xrl A, R2
    jz L0013 ; the input value is >= rightest axis value, take the rightest value
    mov A, R1
    movc A, @A+DPTR


    mov R3, A
    ; R3 is the first left axis value less then the input value
    inc DPTR
    mov A, R2
    add A, DPL
    mov DPL, A
    clr A
    addc A, DPH
    mov DPH, A
    ; DPTR points at the first byte after the axis bytes

; Find the map Z value

    mov A, R3
    jnz L0006
    mov A, R1
    dec A
    movc A, @A+DPTR


    mov B, R0
    mov A, R1
    dec A
    movc A, @A+DPTR
    mov R5, A
    mov A, R1
    movc A, @A+DPTR


    clr C
    subb A, R5
    mov F0, C
    jnc L0007
    cpl A
    inc A


    mul AB ; A * B -> B:A

    ; -------------- Start of the fix
    ; Division B:A / R3  ->  R4:A , B - remainder
    lcall Div_BA_R3

    jnb F0, L00100
    cpl A
    inc A


    add A, R5

    ; -------------- End of the fix

;;;; not used code because it did not work in some cases and I
; suspect it's a bug (or limitation)
    ; C == 0
    ; division  A,B / R3
    ; I dont understand how all the following works except
    ;  if I assume B is == 0
    ; in which case the dX * dZ should be < 256
    ; and there is nothing to garantee that
;    mov R4, #8h

;    rlc A
;    xch A, B
;    rlc A
;    subb A, R3
;    jnc L0008
;    add A, R3


;    xch A, B
;    djnz R4, L0009
;    rlc A
;    cpl A
;    ; division finished, result in A
;    ; now do an additional division step
;    ; I dont understand why
;    xch A, B
;    rlc A
;    subb A, R3
;    cpl C
;    clr A
;    addc A, B
;    jnb F0, L0010
;    cpl A
;    inc A


;    add A, R5
;    ret


; shift 0 -> R7:R6:R5 -> until R7:R6 == 0, with arithm round
; incr R4 for every shift
; if R7:R6:R5 was FFh:1xxx xxxx:00h then behave as if it was 1:00:00:00
; input
;   R7-R5, R4
; output
;   A, R4

    mov A, R7
    jz L1085
    xch A, R4
    add A, #8h
    xch A, R4
    sjmp L1086


    mov A, R6
    jnz L1088
    mov A, R5


    clr C
    rrc A
    xch A, R5
    rrc A
    xch A, R5
    inc R4
    jnz L1088
    addc A, R5
    jnc L1089
    ; the result was FF
    mov A, #80h
    inc R4




; Called from ShiftR_R765 above 

; shift 0 -> R7:R6 -> until R7 == 0, with arithm round
; incr R4 for every shift
; if R7:R6 was FFh:1xxx xxxx then behave as if it was 1:00:00
; output
;   A

    mov A, R7
    jnz L1086
    mov A, R6


    clr C
    rrc A
    xch A, R6
    rrc A
    xch A, R6
    inc R4
    jnz L1086
    addc A, R6
    jnc L1087
    mov A, #80h
    inc R4




; Shift R7:R6:R5 right or left
; if A < 0 then 0 -> R7:R6:R5 >> (-A) 
; if A > 0 then R7:R6:R5 << A or until R7.7 == 1

L0065:    ; [@0C49]

    jnb ACC.7, L0394 ; @0C6A       ; @0C49 [30E71E]	

L0395:    ; [@0C4C]
 ; Jump from: 0C57

    clr C                          ; @0C4C [C3]	
    xch A, R7                      ; @0C4D [CF]	
    rrc A                          ; @0C4E [13]	
    xch A, R7                      ; @0C4F [CF]	
    xch A, R6                      ; @0C50 [CE]	
    rrc A                          ; @0C51 [13]	
    xch A, R6                      ; @0C52 [CE]	
    xch A, R5                      ; @0C53 [CD]	
    rrc A                          ; @0C54 [13]	
    xch A, R5                      ; @0C55 [CD]	
    inc A                          ; @0C56 [04]	
    jnz L0395 ; @0C4C              ; @0C57 [70F3]	
    ret                            ; @0C59 [22]	

L0396:    ; [@0C5A]
 ; Jump from: 0C6A

    xch A, R7                      ; @0C5A [CF]	
    jnb ACC.7, L0397 ; @0C60       ; @0C5B [30E702]	
    xch A, R7                      ; @0C5E [CF]	
    ret                            ; @0C5F [22]	

L0397:    ; [@0C60]
 ; Jump from: 0C5B

    clr C                          ; @0C60 [C3]	
    xch A, R5                      ; @0C61 [CD]	
    rlc A                          ; @0C62 [33]	
    xch A, R5                      ; @0C63 [CD]	
    xch A, R6                      ; @0C64 [CE]	
    rlc A                          ; @0C65 [33]	
    xch A, R6                      ; @0C66 [CE]	
    rlc A                          ; @0C67 [33]	
    xch A, R7                      ; @0C68 [CF]	
    dec A                          ; @0C69 [14]	

L0394:    ; [@0C6A]
 ; Jump from: 0C49
 ; Called from: 13DC 0806 081E 0885

    jnz L0396 ; @0C5A              ; @0C6A [70EE]	
    ret                            ; @0C6C [22]	


; R7:R6 * A  ->  R7:R6:R5
; preserves B


    mov R5, A     ; copy A
    xch A, B      ;
    xch A, R6     ;   R6 = B orig : save B
    mul AB        ; B:A = R6 * A
    xch A, R5     ; R5 = A - partial result
    xch A, B      ;
    xch A, R6     ; R6 = B - partial result
    xch A, R7     ;   R7 = B orig
    mul AB        ; B:A = R7 * A
    add A, R6     ;
    mov R6, A     ;
    clr A         ;
    addc A, B     ;
    xch A, R7     ;
    mov B, A      ; restore B
    ret           ;


; B:A * R3 -> B:A:R3
; uses R4


    ; B:A * R3
    xch A, R3
    mov R4, A
    ; A: orig R3, R3: orig A, R4: orig R3
    mul AB
    ; B:A:00 = B * R3
    ; now do A * R3, so R3 * R4
    xch A, R3
    xch A, B
    xch A, R4
    ; B:A:00 is in R4:R3:00
    mul AB ; B:A - result
    xch A, R3
    add A, B
    mov B, A
    mov A, R4
    addc A, #0
    xch A, B


; R6:R5 * A  ->  R7:R6:R5 (A == R5)
; preserves B


    mov R7, A     ; copy A
    xch A, B      ;
    xch A, R5     ;   R5 = B orig : save B
    mul AB        ; B:A = R5 * A
    xch A, R7     ; R7 = A
    xch A, B      ;
    xch A, R5     ; R5 = B
    xch A, R6     ;   R6 = B orig
    mul AB        ; B:A = R6 * A
    ; B:A:00 + 00:R5:R7  ->  R7:R6:R5
    add A, R5     ;
    xch A, R6
    xch A, B
    addc A, #0
    xch A, R7
    mov R5, A
    ret           ;


; R7:R6:R5 * A  -> B:R7:R6:R5


    mov B, A
    xch A, R5     ;
    mul AB        ; B:A = R5 * A
    xch A, R5     ; R5 = A, restore A
    push ACC
    xch A, B
    xch A, R6     ; R6 = B
    mul AB        ; B:A = R6 * A
    add A, R6
    mov R6, A     ; R6
    clr A
    addc A, B      ; A = B + carry , FF*FF=FE01
    xch A, R7     ; R7 = B
    pop B         ; restore A
    mul AB        ; B:A = R7 * A
    add A, R7
    mov R7, A
    clr A         ; A = B + carry
    addc A, B
    mov B, A
    ret           ;


; (R1:A * R7:R6)[31:8]  ->  R7:R6:R5


    mov R5, A                      ; @0C04 [FD]	
    mov B, R6                      ; @0C05 [8EF0]	
    mul AB                         ; @0C07 [A4]	
    mov A, B                       ; @0C08 [E5F0]	
    xch A, R6                      ; @0C0A [CE]	
    mov B, R1                      ; @0C0B [89F0]	
    mul AB                         ; @0C0D [A4]	
    add A, R6                      ; @0C0E [2E]	
    xch A, R5                      ; @0C0F [CD]	
    xch A, B                       ; @0C10 [C5F0]	
    addc A, #0h                    ; @0C12 [3400]	
    mov R6, A                      ; @0C14 [FE]	
    mov A, R7                      ; @0C15 [EF]	
    mul AB                         ; @0C16 [A4]	
    add A, R5                      ; @0C17 [2D]	
    mov R5, A                      ; @0C18 [FD]	
    mov A, R6                      ; @0C19 [EE]	
    addc A, B                      ; @0C1A [35F0]	
    mov R6, A                      ; @0C1C [FE]	
    clr A                          ; @0C1D [E4]	
    rlc A                          ; @0C1E [33]	
    xch A, R7                      ; @0C1F [CF]	
    mov B, A                       ; @0C20 [F5F0]	
    mov A, R1                      ; @0C22 [E9]	
    mul AB                         ; @0C23 [A4]	
    add A, R6                      ; @0C24 [2E]	
    mov R6, A                      ; @0C25 [FE]	
    mov A, R7                      ; @0C26 [EF]	
    addc A, B                      ; @0C27 [35F0]	
    mov R7, A                      ; @0C29 [FF]	
    ret                            ; @0C2A [22]	


; Division step 8/8 -> 8:8
; A,R7/B -> A,R7
; where R7 is remainder, not the fractional part
; B is not changed
; input
;     A : divident
;     R7 : remainder of the previous byte division, must be
;       set 0 for the first (MSB) byte division
; uses
;     R4


  mov R4, #8
  rlc A
  xch A, R7
  rlc A
  jbc CY, Div8_step_4
  ; C == 0
  subb A, B
  jnc Div8_step_3
  add A, B
  ; C == 1
  xch A, R7       ; 1c
  djnz R4, Div8_step_2
  rlc A
  ; invert and store result
  cpl A
  ; the remainder is > 0xFF (9 bits)
  subb A, B
  ; C may be == 1
  clr C
  xch A, R7
  djnz R4, Div8_step_2
  rlc A
  ; invert and store result
  cpl A


; Division R7:R6:R5 / B  ->  R7:R6:R5 , A - remainder
; uses A, R4

  mov A, B
  jnz Div_R7R6R5_1
  ; B == 0
  clr A
  mov R7, A
  mov R6, A
  mov R5, A

  ; do the first step R7/B using DIV
  ; save divisor
  mov R4, B
  ; divide
  mov A, R7
  div AB  ; 4c
  ; save R7 result in R6
  ; get new divident
  xch A, R6
  ; set remainder
  mov R7, B
  ; restore divisor
  mov B, R4

  ; remainder R7 is already set by the previous division step
  ; A/B -> A:R7, uses R4
  lcall Div8_step
  ; store R6 result, get back R7 value
  xch A, R6
  ; save R7 value and get R5
  xch A, R5

  ; remainder R7 is already set by the previous division step
  ; A/B -> A:R7, uses R4
  lcall Div8_step
  ; store R5 result, get back R7 value
  xch A, R5
  ; store R7 value and get remainder
  xch A, R7

; Division step 8/8 -> 8:8
; A,B/R3 -> A,B
; where B is remainder, not the fractional part
; R3 is unchanged
; input
;     A : divident
;     B : remainder of the previous byte division, must be
;       set 0 for the first (MSB) byte division
; uses
;     R4


  mov R4, #8
  rlc A
  xch A, B
  rlc A
  jbc CY, Div8_R3_step_4
  ; C == 0
  subb A, R3
  jnc Div8_R3_step_3
  add A, R3
  ; C == 1
  xch A, B       ; 1c
  djnz R4, Div8_R3_step_2
  rlc A
  ; invert and store result
  cpl A
  ; the remainder is > 0xFF (9 bits)
  subb A, R3
  ; C may be == 1
  clr C
  xch A, B
  djnz R4, Div8_R3_step_2
  rlc A
  ; invert and store result
  cpl A


; Division B:A / R3  ->  R4:A , B - remainder

  mov R4, A
  xch A, R3
  jnz Div_BA_R3_1
  ; B == 0
  clr A
  mov B, A
  mov R4, A

  ; B:R4 / A
  ; R3 == R4
  ; save divisor
  mov R3, A
  xch A, B
  div AB ; A/B -> A,B

  ; save B/R3 result
  push ACC
  ; get new divident
  mov A, R4
  ; remainder B is already set by the previous division step
  ; A,B/R3 -> A,B  uses R4
  lcall Div8_R3_step
  mov R4, A
  pop ACC
  xch A, R4

; Convert a hex A value into a BCD dec value
; input
;   A - input hex value
; output
;   R0:R1 - BCD packed decimal value [0:0 - 02:55h]
; uses
;   DPTR


  mov R1, A
  anl A, #0Fh
  ; reset AC and C
  add A, #0
  da A
  ; [7:4] - overflow, [3:0] - digit
  xch A, R1
  swap A
  anl A, #0Fh
  mov R0, A
  mov DPTR, #conv74bitBCDValueL
  movc A, @A+DPTR
  add A, R1
  da A
  ; A - BCD image of digits 0 and 1
  ; C - a possible carry 
  mov R1, A
  mov A, R0
  mov DPTR, #conv74bitBCDValueH
  movc A, @A+DPTR
  addc A, #0
  mov R0, A
; 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, ... F0
conv74bitBCDValueH:  db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2
conv74bitBCDValueL:  db 0,16h,32h,48h,64h,80h,96h,12h,28h,44h,60h,76h,92h,08h,24h,40h


; Convert a hex B:A 16bit value into a BCD dec value
; input
;   B:A - input hex value
; output
;   R0:R1:R2 - BCD packed decimal value [0:0:0 - 06:55h:35h]
; uses
;   DPTR


  lcall ConvByteToBCD
  ; R0:R1 - A conversion
  ; convert B[3:0] and shift R0:R1 to R1:R2

  mov A, B
  anl A, #0Fh
  mov DPTR, #conv11_8bitBCDValueL
  movc A, @A+DPTR
  add A, R1
  da A
  mov R2, A
  mov A, R0
  addc A, #0
  da A
  mov R1, A
  ; here R0 is still not initialized

  mov A, B
  anl A, #0Fh
  mov DPTR, #conv11_8bitBCDValueH
  movc A, @A+DPTR
  add A, R1
  da A
  mov R1, A

  ; convert B[7:4]
  mov A, B
  swap A
  anl A, #0Fh
  mov B, A
  mov DPTR, #conv15_12bitBCDValue2
  movc A, @A+DPTR
  mov R0, A

  mov A, B
  mov DPTR, #conv15_12bitBCDValue1
  movc A, @A+DPTR
  add A, R1
  da A
  mov R1, A
  ; here R0 is < #7
  jnc Conv16bitToBCD_2
  inc R0

  mov A, B
  mov DPTR, #conv15_12bitBCDValue0
  movc A, @A+DPTR
  add A, R2
  da A
  mov R2, A
  mov A, R1
  addc A, #0
  da A
  mov R1, A
  mov A, R0
  addc A, #0
  da A
  mov R0, A


conv11_8bitBCDValueH: db  0,2,5,7,10h,12h,15h,17h,20h,23h,25h,28h,30h,33h,35h,38h
conv11_8bitBCDValueL: db  0,56h,12h,68h,24h,80h,36h,92h,48h,04h,60h,16h,72h,28h,84h,40h

conv15_12bitBCDValue2: db  0,0,0,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6
conv15_12bitBCDValue1: db  0,40h,81h,22h,63h,04h,45h,86h,27h,68h,09h,50h,91h,32h,73h,14h
conv15_12bitBCDValue0: db  0,96h,92h,88h,84h,80h,76h,72h,68h,64h,60h,56h,52h,48h,44h,40h


; Return the ASCII code of a digit which is the first after the floating point
;  and which corresponds to the value of fractbits[7:3] of the value
;  <intbyte>.<fractbits>

; input
;  A - fractbits
; output
;  A - the ASCII code of <fractbits>
; uses
;   DPTR

  rr A
  rr A
  rr A
  anl A, #00011111b
  mov DPTR, #GetFractDigitBit7_3_table
  movc A, @A+DPTR

; values of this table reflect the first fract digit of [7:3]/32
GetFractDigitBit7_3_table:  db  "00001112223334445555666777888999"


; B:A = -(B:A)


      cpl A
      add A, #1
      xch A, B
      cpl A
      addc A, #0
      xch A, B


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Re: Alfa bin files

Post by DieselBob »

Now I'm not sure tried a disassemble starting at 0000 didn't look right but I've learnt a lot since then :D
I'll run another one starting at 0000 instead of 2000 and see.....
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Re: Alfa bin files

Post by DieselBob »

ok looks better :) now to redo all the good things i did wrong lol
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Re: Alfa bin files

Post by DieselBob »

Got a time problem now.... learning how to speak in mnemonics is taking longer than i want.
Could be a while before theres any real progress..
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Re: Alfa bin files

Post by DieselBob »

Found a book for DUMMIES :D and had a few ideas.....
Some progress....
How many people attempt this with no formal training or serious programming experience????
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Re: Alfa bin files

Post by festy »

DieselBob wrote: How many people attempt this with no formal training or serious programming experience????
me :oops:
Although I've got a fair bit of programming experience, not much of it was any help ;)
Luckilly the 8051 instruction set is pretty simple, just take your time and look up each instruction you come across until you're speaking fluently in 8051 ASM...
Just watch out for things like cjne. C is set/cleared depending on which of the params are larger and that's often used to determine a following conditional jump - not the actual result of the initial equality comparison.
I was going round in circles early on, trying to follow the code - until I noticed that little fact :oops:
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Re: Alfa bin files

Post by antus »

I think most people are self taught. Its the kind of stuff which is very specific and little used so there isnt much in the way of courses around. In general with programming things keep changing and you need to be the type of person who can figure things out and find info on the net else your skills can get out of date pretty quickly.

I know that if you are using ida then you can check options->general->auto comments and it'll put a brief description of the opcodes on each line which can serve as a quick reference on unfamiliar architectures.
Have you read the FAQ? For lots of information and links to significant threads see here:
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Re: Alfa bin files

Post by DieselBob »

Thanks guys :)
The book i found has helped taking a break see if some of the info sinks in...
Have another go in a week...
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Re: Alfa bin files

Post by festy »

How are you getting on with this?
I've got my RT conversion working well with the motronic 4.1, and basic datalogging too.
Currently it's only using a dodgy flashtool style program, but I've started working on a TP plugin to replace that.
When I get a chance I'll have a look at your bin to see what's needed to go RT if you're interested in a conversion...
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Re: Alfa bin files

Post by DieselBob »

Definately interested...
I needed a break it was getting depressing :D hours of work for little success.
Revisited another project..... GM MODE 4 control rewrote something I did a while ago.
Almost finished then back to the motronic.....
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