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Re: telementary

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:31 pm
by antus
Those units look nice. Did you find a way to select 8192 baud or are you running 9600? Im looking forward to the pics, then I'll keep an eye out at Mallala for you. Do you ever get out to the practice days out there? I plan to be doing some of those in the coming months.

Re: telementary

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:48 pm
by kaBOOM
I had it set up and (sorta) running at 9600:

The problem is that it falls out of sync after around 30 seconds and the data goes all weird. I believe this has to do with the lag time between the request for data, and the return of data in the unit. I'm rapidly running out of settings to play with...still I'll keep trying!

What would really fix it is if the code in the ECU would just shoot out data without a request....hint hint! ;) I don't need bi directional...

The engine is almost finished, we finally have a pair of machined head gaskets made up (this motor is, uh, a little nuts), so yeah....pull my finger out time! :D

Re: telementary

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 4:27 pm
by VL400
kaBOOM wrote:What would really fix it is if the code in the ECU would just shoot out data without a request....hint hint! ;) I don't need bi directional...
Easy :D Open the 12P bin (I assume your using this?) in a hex editor. Go to address 0x1B00 and you will see a series of 0x00. The first two bytes can be used as the address of the message you want to fire out every 100mS. Enter 0x9B and 0xA7 for mode 1 message 0 and job done - sends out message 0 mode 1 every 100ms :thumbup:

Attached a bin that will do it for you.

Re: telementary

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:50 pm
by kaBOOM

I'll get the VL back together and have a crack at it...cheers man! :D

Re: telementary

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:33 am
by kaBOOM
Still haven't got around to it, I've been stuck in outback WA for work for a week and a bit :( I'll have a go on the weekend and post up some happy snaps