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MSP430 as a Freq Gen Square Wave

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:11 pm
by The1
Thought id share some code, used a program called Energia to code this up for the MSP430 Launchpad, it's a 3.3volt device but a diode inline with the output is enough to make it work with a ECU/PCM, i am currently using this for MAF gen. Has a simple button up/down to change the Freq clock.

I am only using the baseline msp430g2231 on the launchpad, very cheap device!

Code: Select all

 The1's Square Wave FREQ Gen
 Push Button UP/Down
 1hz increment
 0-30,000hz Range
 P1_3 UP Button
 P1_4 DOWN Button

const int buttonP1_3 = P1_3;      // Define UP Button PIN
int buttonUP = 0;                 // Set UP Button to 0
const int buttonP1_4 = P1_4;      // Define DOWN Button PIN
int buttonDOWN = 0;               // Set DOWN Button to 0
int TempFreq = 2000;              // Set Bootup Freq
int FreqInc = 1;                  // Pushbutton Freq Increment

void setup() {
// initialize the Buttons as an input:
pinMode(buttonP1_3, INPUT_PULLUP); 
pinMode(buttonP1_4, INPUT_PULLUP); 


void loop()
// Refresh for Bootup or Reset
   analogFrequency (TempFreq) ;        // Refresh Output on Bootup or Reset
   analogWrite(P1_6, 127);             // Send PWM to Pin P1_6 50% duty cycle

// Button UP Code 
  buttonUP = digitalRead(buttonP1_3);  // read the state of the UP Button:
  if (buttonUP == LOW)                 // check if the pushbutton is pressed = LOW.
    TempFreq = TempFreq + FreqInc;     // Add FreqInc to Current Output
    analogFrequency (TempFreq) ;       // Send New Output 
    analogWrite(P1_6, 127);            // Send PWM to Pin P1_6 50% duty cycle 
// Button DOWN Code
  buttonDOWN = digitalRead(buttonP1_4);// read the state of DOWN Button:
  if (buttonDOWN == LOW)               // check if the pushbutton is pressed = LOW.
    TempFreq = TempFreq - FreqInc;     // Subract FreqInc From Current Output
    analogFrequency (TempFreq) ;       // Send New Output
    analogWrite(P1_6, 127);            // Send PWM to Pin P1_6 50% duty cycle
