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Wideband pin input

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:28 am
by hsv08
I understand for the vt v8 you can use pin b12 (injector volt) for wideband input,
But also B10 and A5? if it dont need to cut into b12 can i just use A5?

If so how do i set up the adx?
Also what other pins are spare in the loom considering its a manual and no longer needs all the inputs for trans?

Re: Wideband pin input

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:31 am
by 0081(2)
I dont believe you can use the auto trans inputs as the code ignores them when set to manual trans.
I wanted to use the auto trans temp input to measure water temp in my water to air intercooler system.

It would be good to be able to use them but it sounds like a lot of work for a small amount of people that would use it.

Re: Wideband pin input

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:34 pm
by hsv08
Ah yes. I forgot that once set to manual it ignores the auto trans settings.
Are you using b12 as the input?
I want to use either b10 or a5 as I don't really want to cut into b12 and would rather just repin plug.
My old mtxl wasn't the greatest. Had quite a bit of issues with it so going to try this aem one in this car.

Re: Wideband pin input

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:55 pm
by 0081(2)
Im using the vy flash pcm and i cant remember what input im using but im sure its different to all the other pcms

Re: Wideband pin input

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 6:28 pm
by hsv08
Well i ended up cutting into b12, but the AFR steps can jump between .2-.3 AFR. from what i understand this is because its wired in a pin that only has 0-55 steps so resolution is not as good as 255 as with A5. How can i setup XDF and ADX to accept the WB input on A5? i know i need to repin but thats no problem.