PCMHammer P04

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Re: PCMHammer P04

Post by antus »

You are excused. I am not going to split hairs on who/what/when, but can we at least agree it has been a team effort? You do remember starting with my build system and my test kernel when you began? And other contributions along the journey to this point? You have and are doing great things, but it has been a team.
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Re: PCMHammer P04

Post by Gampy »

I have always made it perfectly clear that I started my education in m68k assembly with your code located here: test code, code that does not work!
In fact I thought I had it in Kernels\Readme-Assembly.txt, I don't see it, it will be after my next PR ...

As for the Build system, it is mine entirely!

Not that I care, you seem to be the glory hunter, so have at it, it's not what I'm after!

Intelligence is in the details!

It is easier not to learn bad habits, then it is to break them!

If I was here to win a popularity contest, their would be no point, so I wouldn't be here!
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Re: PCMHammer P04

Post by antus »

Its been a while since I have posted any updates, and after dropping a mention of 98/99 Vortec Black Box PCM support in another thread I realised there may be those still hanging for P04/P08. So, the test version of PCM Hammer is working. Added are all variants of P04, that is 256Kb through to 512Kb, AMD and Intel. P08 is also working. Further to this I have added a bunch of quality of life improvements and some code so the tool can alert and block operations that dont make sense on these earlier PCMs. For example, the PCMs that do not follow the documented purposes of the block in the flash chip datasheets cannot do a param block write, or a calibration write, as the locations in the chip dont match up with the underlaying hardware, or there is a whole bin checksum in the operating system block which must be updated for a cal only write. That is all working. There has also been a tidy up of the hardware identification of PCM types. It amounts to more or less the same thing, but its tidier internally. I have an idea where its going to get better again, but I want to get this code out there first instead of makeing too many changes in one hit. I have also removed the C kernels entirely and all supported PCMs are using the asm kernels I was developing with Gampy above. I believe Gampys E54 code is also working, but he did not confirm that with me and I am no longer able to contact him. If anyone has an E54 and is willing to accept the risk and/or has BDM recovery and would be prepared to test it, please get in contact. I was able to take his last public test release, and as the source was not shared I reverse engineered the changes (it was GPL code, this is allowed) and merged it back in to the public codebase. I have been in contact with NSFW and we'll get the current code hopefully in the next month or two with or without 98/99 Vortec Support. The only thing outstanding is that I have removed the default P01 P59 code, so now the PCM must be detected. I think this will break recovery mode, so something needs to be added to allow the user to pick the PCM type before attempting a recovery operation. For this I think recovery needs to move to its own menu item. On the whole, the software is looking good! I think the next release is big enough to warrant calling it PCMHammer 2.0. I dont have any further information about Gampy. If you were following his story you are probably assuming the same as I. Will speak more to that whether I end up knowing more or not when the software is released.
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Re: PCMHammer P04

Post by antus »

The P04 support is going well. No reports of problems from testers. Currently have one new forum member (welcome buickmonkey) who has reported success on his 99 lesabre, and while it didnt recognise the OSID on his 97 lesabre, I expect we'll hear the result soon with a new test version with more P04_256k OSIDs added.
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Re: PCMHammer P04

Post by buickmonkey »

I've had 100% success reading and writing p04's for my two 99 Lesabres. This is BIG and I say THANKS TO ALL INVOLVED FOR THE GREAT WORK!!!

(Updated 9-19-2024)
Latest test shows Pcmhammer is now working on 97 Lesabre and 97 Oldsmobile p04 pcms using 512k flash memory.
Last edited by buickmonkey on Thu Sep 19, 2024 10:45 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: PCMHammer P04

Post by antus »

Thanks for the report! Can you try the p04 256 again with the update I sent you after the first one? If you dont have the PCM you can use the verify file option and confirm if it passes that test or not just on the PC, without the car or pcm.
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Re: PCMHammer P04

Post by geep »

Here is a 01 Buick regal file and log from a p04 osid is not supported

[12:15:05:782] PCM Hammer - Public AKernel TEST 824.0. (10/6/2023, 10:00 AM)
[12:15:05:798] Monday, August 12 2024 @12:15:05:79
[12:15:05:798] Initializing J2534 Device
[12:15:05:813] Loaded DLL
[12:15:09:657] Connected to the device.
[12:15:09:672] Battery Voltage is: 12.655
[12:15:10:844] Protocol Set
[12:15:10:860] Device initialization complete.
[12:15:05:688] Unable to retrieve credits.html from network: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: 'raw.githubusercontent.com'
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.<FinishSendAsyncBuffered>d__58.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at PcmHacking.ContentLoader.<TryGetContentFromNetwork>d__8.MoveNext() in T:\Automotive\PcmHacks\PcmHacks\Apps\PcmLibraryWindowsForms\ContentLoader.cs:line 0
[12:15:05:704] Unable to retrieve help.html from network: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: 'raw.githubusercontent.com'
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.<FinishSendAsyncBuffered>d__58.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at PcmHacking.ContentLoader.<TryGetContentFromNetwork>d__8.MoveNext() in T:\Automotive\PcmHacks\PcmHacks\Apps\PcmLibraryWindowsForms\ContentLoader.cs:line 95
[12:15:05:704] Unable to retrieve start.txt from network: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: 'raw.githubusercontent.com'
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.<FinishSendAsyncBuffered>d__58.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at PcmHacking.ContentLoader.<TryGetContentFromNetwork>d__8.MoveNext() in T:\Automotive\PcmHacks\PcmHacks\Apps\PcmLibraryWindowsForms\ContentLoader.cs:line 0
[12:15:10:969] Loaded credits.html from cache.
[12:15:10:969] Loaded help.html from cache.
[12:15:10:969] Loaded start.txt from cache.
[12:15:10:969] Thanks for using PCM Hammer.
[12:15:34:932] WARNING: This version uses the new Assembly Kernels, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
[12:15:53:836] Will save to C:\Users\o\Desktop\try again.bin
[12:15:57:369] Querying operating system of current PCM.
[12:15:57:385] TX: 6C 10 F0 3C 0A
[12:15:57:448] RX: 6C F0 10 7C 0A 00 BA 3D 17
[12:15:57:448] OSID: 12205335
[12:15:57:463] Suppressing VPW chatter.
[12:15:57:463] TX: 6C FE F0 28 00
[12:15:57:463] Sending 'test device present' notification.
[12:15:57:463] TX: 8C FE F0 3F
[12:15:57:494] RX: 6C F0 10 68 00
[12:15:57:494] Ignoring chatter: 6C F0 10 68 00
[12:15:57:494] Sending seed request.
[12:15:57:510] TX: 6C 10 F0 27 01
[12:15:57:541] RX: 6C F0 10 67 01 6A B9
[12:15:57:541] Parsing seed value.
[12:15:57:557] Sending unlock request (6AB9, FC85)
[12:15:57:557] TX: 6C 10 F0 27 02 FC 85
[12:15:57:604] RX: 6C F0 10 67 02 34
[12:15:57:604] Unlock succeeded.
[12:15:57:619] Sending 'test device present' notification.
[12:15:57:635] TX: 8C FE F0 3F
[12:15:57:635] Attempting switch to VPW 4x
[12:15:57:651] TX: 6C FE F0 A0
[12:15:57:698] RX: 6C F0 10 E0 AA
[12:15:57:698] Parsing 6C F0 10 E0 AA
[12:15:57:698] Module 0x10 (engine controller) has agreed to enter high-speed mode.
[12:15:57:713] Sending 'test device present' notification.
[12:15:57:713] TX: 8C FE F0 3F
[12:16:00:838] ReadMsgs OBDError: ERR_BUFFER_EMPTY
[12:16:00:838] Sending 'test device present' notification.
[12:16:00:838] TX: 8C FE F0 3F
[12:16:00:838] TX: 6C FE F0 A1
[12:16:03:853] ReadMsgs OBDError: ERR_BUFFER_EMPTY
[12:16:03:853] J2534 setting VPW 4X
[12:16:03:978] Sending 'test device present' notification.
[12:16:03:978] TX: 8C FE F0 3F
[12:16:03:978] Sending 'test device present' notification.
[12:16:03:978] TX: 8C FE F0 3F
[12:16:03:994] Loaded C:\Users\o\Desktop\this it\Loader-P04.bin
[12:16:04:010] PCM uses a kernel loader.
[12:16:04:010] Sending upload request for loader size 604, loadaddress FF9890
[12:16:04:025] TX: 6C 10 F0 34 00 02 5C FF 98 90
[12:16:04:056] RX: 6C F0 10 74 00 44
[12:16:04:056] Going to load a 604 byte loader to 0xFF9890
[12:16:04:056] Sending end block payload with offset 0x0, start address 0xFF9890, length 0x25C.
[12:16:04:135] TX: 6D 10 F0 36 80 02 5C FF 98 90 00 7C 07 00 3E 7C A0 00 13 FC 00 00 00 FF 9A EF 61 00 00 52 61 00 01 C4 61 00 00 64 70 00 10 39 00 FF 9A EF E1 88 10 39 00 FF 9A F0 0C 40 3D 00 67 00 00 56 E0 48 0C 00 00 34 67 00 00 64 0C 00 00 36 67 00 00 6E 0C 00 00 20 66 00 FF BC 20 7C 00 FF 9A E8 30 3C 00 04 61 00 01 26 61 00 00 20 4E 70 60 FE 13 FC 00 55 00 FF FA 27 13 FC 00 AA 00 FF FA 27 0A 39 00 80 00 FF C0 06 4E 75 4E 71 4E 71 4E 71 4E 71 4E 75 20 7C 00 FF 9A D2 11 7C 00 04 00 08 30 3C 00 09 61 00 00 E6 4E FA FF 6A 20 7C 00 FF 9A DC 30 3C 00 06 61 00 00 D4 4E FA FF 58 70 00 10 39 00 FF 9A F3 E1 88 10 39 00 FF 9A F4 E1 88 10 39 00 FF 9A F5 22 40 24 40 70 00 10 39 00 FF 9A F1 E1 48 10 39 00 FF 9A F2 41 F9 00 FF 9A F6 74 00 47 F9 00 FF 9A F0 78 00 36 00 5A 43 14 1B D8 82 51 CB FF FA 76 00 16 1B E1 4B 16 1B B8 43 67 2E 13 FC 00 7F 00 FF 9A E5 13 F9 00 FF 9A EF 00 FF 9A E6 13 F9 00 FF 9A F0 00 FF 9A E7 20 7C 00 FF 9A E2 30 3C 00 06 61 00 00 52 4E FA FE D6 12 D8 51 C8 FF FC 18 39 00 FF 9A F0 13 C4 00 FF 9A E6 20 7C 00 FF 9A E2 30 3C 00 06 61 00 00 2E 02 04 00 80 0C 04 00 80 66 00 FE AA 4E D2 61 00 FF 00 14 39 00 FF E8 00 02 02 00 03 0C 02 00 03 67 EC 13 FC 00 04 00 FF E8 00 4E 75 13 FC 00 14 00 FF E8 00 55 40 61 00 FE D8 13 D8 00 FF E8 01 61 00 FF CC 51 C8 FF F0 13 FC 00 0C 00 FF E8 00 13 D8 00 FF E8 01 61 00 FE D2 13 FC 00 03 00 FF E8 00 13 FC 00 00 00 FF E8 01 61 00 FE A4 10 39 00 FF E8 00 02 00 00 E0 0C 00 00 E0 66 EC 10 39 00 FF E8 01 4E 75 20 7C 00 FF 9A EC 61 00 FE 82 10 39 00 FF E8 00 02 00 00 E0 4A 00 67 EE 0C 00 00 80 6E 08 10 F9 00 FF E8 01 60 E0 10 F9 00 FF E8 01 20 7C 00 FF 9A EC 10 10 02 00 00 FE 0C 00 00 6C 66 C8 0C 28 00 10 00 01 67 08 0C 28 00 FE 00 01 66 B8 4E 75 00 00 28 63 29 32 30 32 33 20 70 63 6D 68 61 63 6B 69 6E 67 2E 6E 65 74 6C F0 10 7D 00 69 00 01 00 AA 6C F0 10 74 00 44 6C F0 10 76 00 00 6C F0 10 60 E7 A0
[12:16:04:291] RX: 6D F0 10 76 00 78
[12:16:04:291] Found response, Success
[12:16:04:291] Loader upload 100% complete.
[12:16:04:306] TX: 6C 10 F0 3D 00
[12:16:04:338] RX: 6C F0 10 7D 00 69 00 01 04
[12:16:04:338] Loader Version: 69000104
[12:16:04:338] Loader uploaded to PCM succesfully.
[12:16:04:353] Loaded C:\Users\o\Desktop\this it\Kernel-P04.bin
[12:16:04:353] Sending upload request for kernel size 1954, loadaddress FF8000
[12:16:04:353] TX: 6C 10 F0 34 00 07 A2 FF 80 00
[12:16:04:385] RX: 6C F0 10 74 00 44
[12:16:04:385] Going to load a 1954 byte kernel to 0xFF8000
[12:16:04:385] Sending end block payload with offset 0x600, start address 0xFF8600, length 0x1A2.
[12:16:04:447] TX: 6D 10 F0 36 00 01 A2 FF 86 00 00 00 00 FF E8 01 61 00 FA AE 10 39 00 FF E8 00 02 00 00
[12:18:23:720] Processing message
[12:18:23:720] Read complete.
[12:18:23:720] All read-request messages succeeded on the first try. You have an excellent connection to the PCM.
[12:18:23:736] Please help by sharing your results in the PCM Hammer thread at pcmhacking.net.
[12:18:23:736] Starting verification...
[12:18:23:752] Calculating CRCs from file.
[12:18:23:767] Sending 'test device present' notification.
[12:18:23:767] TX: 8C FE F0 3F
[12:18:23:767] Requesting CRCs from PCM.
[12:18:23:767] Range File CRC PCM CRC Verdict Purpose
[12:18:23:767] TX: 6C 10 F0 3D 02 02 00 00 06 00 00
[12:18:26:048] RX: 6C F0 10 7D 02 02 00 00 06 00 00 30 67 05 26
[12:18:26:048] 060000-07FFFF 30670526 30670526 Same OperatingSystem
[12:18:26:064] Sending 'test device present' notification.
[12:18:26:064] TX: 8C FE F0 3F
[12:18:26:064] TX: 6C 10 F0 3D 02 02 00 00 04 00 00
[12:18:28:345] RX: 6C F0 10 7D 02 02 00 00 04 00 00 FD 19 D2 7D
[12:18:28:345] 040000-05FFFF FD19D27D FD19D27D Same OperatingSystem
[12:18:28:361] Sending 'test device present' notification.
[12:18:28:361] TX: 8C FE F0 3F
[12:18:28:361] TX: 6C 10 F0 3D 02 02 00 00 02 00 00
[12:18:30:642] RX: 6C F0 10 7D 02 02 00 00 02 00 00 73 7D B5 81
[12:18:30:642] 020000-03FFFF 737DB581 737DB581 Same OperatingSystem
[12:18:30:673] Sending 'test device present' notification.
[12:18:30:673] TX: 8C FE F0 3F
[12:18:30:673] TX: 6C 10 F0 3D 02 01 80 00 00 80 00
[12:18:32:392] RX: 6C F0 10 7D 02 01 80 00 00 80 00 65 49 26 7D
[12:18:32:392] 008000-01FFFF 6549267D 6549267D Same Calibration
[12:18:32:423] TX: 6C 10 F0 3D 02 00 20 00 00 60 00
[12:18:32:595] RX: 6C F0 10 7D 02 00 20 00 00 60 00 5C 19 B2 D6
[12:18:32:595] 006000-007FFF 5C19B2D6 5C19B2D6 Same Parameter
[12:18:32:626] TX: 6C 10 F0 3D 02 00 20 00 00 40 00
[12:18:32:798] RX: 6C F0 10 7D 02 00 20 00 00 40 00 85 B5 BB 36
[12:18:32:798] 004000-005FFF 85B5BB36 85B5BB36 Same Parameter
[12:18:32:829] Sending 'test device present' notification.
[12:18:32:829] TX: 8C FE F0 3F
[12:18:32:829] TX: 6C 10 F0 3D 02 00 40 00 00 00 00
[12:18:33:157] RX: 6C F0 10 7D 02 00 40 00 00 00 00 54 0C F9 D5
[12:18:33:157] 000000-003FFF 540CF9D5 540CF9D5 Same Boot
[12:18:33:188] The contents of the file match the contents of the PCM.
[12:18:33:220] Halting the kernel.
[12:18:33:235] TX: 6C 10 F0 20
[12:18:33:235] J2534 setting VPW 1X
[12:18:33:361] TX: 6C 10 F0 20
[12:18:33:361] Clearing trouble codes.
[12:18:33:673] TX: 68 6A F0 04
[12:18:33:939] TX: 68 6A F0 04
[12:18:34:205] TX: 8C FE F0 14
[12:18:34:471] TX: 8C FE F0 14
[12:18:34:471] Halting the kernel.
[12:18:34:471] J2534 setting VPW 4X
[12:18:34:596] TX: 6C 10 F0 20
[12:18:34:596] J2534 setting VPW 1X
[12:18:34:721] TX: 6C 10 F0 20
[12:18:34:721] Clearing trouble codes.
[12:18:35:018] TX: 68 6A F0 04
[12:18:35:285] TX: 68 6A F0 04
[12:18:35:550] TX: 8C FE F0 14
[12:18:35:817] TX: 8C FE F0 14
[12:18:35:817] Elapsed time 00:02:38.2130837
[12:18:35:848] Saving contents to C:\Users\o\Desktop\try again.bin
test regal 01.bin
(512 KiB) Downloaded 158 times
Last edited by geep on Wed Aug 14, 2024 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PCMHammer P04

Post by antus »

Thanks for the test, but that version is quite out of date now. I have sent you the current test version via PM. If you can test that and report back, it would be appreciated. So far it is working well on p04/p08/4 connector blackbox as well as the targets the older versions support.

We also need a test on an E54 if anyone has one and is prepared to try - I know they are an expensive PCM for a test. I believe it will work, but the code for that platform has only been tested by Gampy to date. If it reads there is a very good chance write will also work but it not not 100%. If anyone can help with that let me know and I'll send a copy of the app.
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Re: PCMHammer P04

Post by ProfessWRX »

Hey are you saying p04 is supported in car now or still bench?

I haven’t stopped flashing in car since I began but wondering if it’s safer now in a new version.
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Re: PCMHammer P04

Post by antus »

No. Improvements for in car requires the changes considered in this thread viewtopic.php?t=8632
It still may work, but chatty modules and modules that do not go quiet when asked can mess things up.
Having said that this release is already very change heavy and I think its enough new code and work getting the new pcm support proven, and next officil reease out and then we can look at that communications code and filtering. PM me if you want to help with testing. All tests so far have been successful but more is better. P01 P04 (256k ad 512k) P08 P10 P12 P59 E54 Vortec 4 connector Blck Box 98-02 needed.
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