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I tried PCM hammer on a Harley Davidson it sort of worked
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:03 pm
by osmikejarden
So I was at a friend's the other day and we were trying to hook up a scan tool to his Harley long story short I tried PCM hammer and because the Harley uses j1850+ it connected and tried to read the bin but failed at the seed key. It also asked for the os but I had no idea what OS it was
Re: I tried PCM hammer on a Harley Davidson it sort of worke
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:05 pm
by osmikejarden
Re: I tried PCM hammer on a Harley Davidson it sort of worke
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:09 pm
by antus
That calibration ID number is suspiciously large. Yes it looks like that PCM follows the OBD2 standard with J1850 but looks like it would be quite different with the structure of its program internally (as in the GM proprietary stuff - serial number, vin, mec, calibration ID all look wrong). With enough work and a bench pcm it might be possible to add support for it if is based on a delco/delphi design but then you'd need a way to modify the file.
Edit: I see your post with the pic above now, that looks to be from another manufacturer and is unlikely to have many similarities with the family of PCMs PCMHammer supports meaning it'd probably be a big job to support it.
Re: I tried PCM hammer on a Harley Davidson it sort of worked
Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 7:11 am
by lesexypaul82
Is it a Delphi? If so look for HUD ECU Hacker By Elmusoft.. Its free i used it on my rideon mower!
Yes Harley Used the same ecu as kohler mower engines....
Re: I tried PCM hammer on a Harley Davidson it sort of worked
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:28 am
by jakka
Anyone have any info on HD security access seed & key exchange?
Re: I tried PCM hammer on a Harley Davidson it sort of worked
Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 3:33 am
by Deuce
I'm no programmer by a long shot. But worked for an H-D dealer 08-20
The ECM is a Delphi (they were magneti marelli up to around 2001 before changing to the better system)
BCM models and wiring system was released 2012 for dynas so yours is definitely before that which should make it easier.
I use a screamin eagle race tuner to modify the tune in mine. Yeah there are limitations to it, but is there anything I can do with that to help you? (I haven't modified the tune in probably 4+ years)