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Installing IAC Driver Chip to Convert P59 to DBC

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:00 am
by twenglish1
Has anyone attempted this and of so is it possible? I suspect the hardware should be the same minus the IAC driver IC, as they make P59 PCMs that support DBC and DBW, it seems to me that soldering in the IAC chip and reflashing with the software from a DBC vehicle should work in theory? I have both a spare P01 and a P59 laying around, i will open them up and compare the boards to see if there are any other noticeable differences.

Re: Installing IAC Driver Chip to Convert P59 to DBC

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:51 pm
by antus
should work in theory. put them side by side, compare if any connected smd components are missing in the signal path. Let us know how you go. We have similar for older generations. It may be just the main IC and maybe a small number of smd you could measure and document for others. For comparison it was about 4 SMDs for aussie VS commodore VSS differences between versions.

Re: Installing IAC Driver Chip to Convert P59 to DBC

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 11:11 am
by twenglish1
Sourced a few of the IAC ICs from eBay, exact part numbers/markings, hopefully they are legit, i have not been able to find any other information on them so only way to test is to install them in a PCM, doesn't appear to be any other noticeable differences looking at the boards. Looks like the software is the same too, comparing the calibration files of a 2004 silverado and a 2004 chevy express, same OS, some minor differences to the engine calibration however all Electronic Throttle settings are the same in both despite one being DBC and the other being DBW. Only other differences are the diagnostic code tables the silverado has codes enabled for the DBW components, and the silverado also has a '1' in the GMT800 ETC column in the system options table as expected to enable Electronic Throttle. ... media=COPY

Re: Installing IAC Driver Chip to Convert P59 to DBC

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 8:41 am
by twenglish1
UPDATE: I was successful! Only one part needed to be installed, the '69200' IC sourced from ebay, link in previous post, clear the solder from the holes using a desoldering pump and solder wick/flux, bent the pins to line up with the staggered holes, make sure it sits properly against the plastic support in the middle of the ICs/transistors as this support is what presses these parts against the case for heat transfer/cooling of the parts. After the installation is complete clean the flux off the board. Only only software modifications i made were in the options table, the "ETC" option gets changed from a 1 to a 0. Wired up a throttle body on the bench and tested the IAC with a bi-directional scan tool, seems to be functioning without issue.

This is a DBW only P59 LS PCM, Service number: 12586242, pulled from a 2004 Chevy Suburban


Re: Installing IAC Driver Chip to Convert P59 to DBC

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 8:38 am
by antus
Great, thanks for the update!

Re: Installing IAC Driver Chip to Convert P59 to DBC

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 10:44 am
by Cincinnatus
Great job! Thanks for sharing and congratulations on a success!