Windows Server - No pain no gain

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Re: Windows Server - No pain no gain

Post by FriskyDingo »

Gampy wrote:
FriskyDingo wrote:java
Amazing how powerful one word can be, at explaining the issue!
Its awful, they keep adding to it and when you launch the software a terminal window opens and loads a million .jre files and modules.
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Re: Windows Server - No pain no gain

Post by Tazzi »

I am honestly amazed at just how little information is out there regarding using asp apps on windows servers.
Most things just say "compile and upload to server". Which then leads to the questions of.. where the fuck does it go? Is there more to it? Does it need to be compiled in a specific way?
All of which are valid questions and have specific responses

After doing it a few times, it seems to simple... and I think the people that make these tutorials have forgotten about all the little steps that lead up to actually being able to upload.
I feel like microsoft has almost done this intentionally to encourage people to use Azure, since its literally a 2 step job with them, but obviously then means it costs using their services.

After setting up IIS, domain manager, and ensuring ASP and .net core are installed.. it does become pretty simple.
Personally I would add a new domain to the manager, then just have a basic ASP home page so that I can check if its actually setup correctly, then add an "application" to that domain, setting the correct destination URL and also the location of the actual application to run.

Once done, you should be able to then make a request to that specific URL ending and the application should respond. I do still need to learn how to add a "catch all" to since if its not a specific post request, it causes problems.

I will be going through the steps more details as I go along, linking videos and guides which helped.
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